iphone tv - 7 apps to watch tv on iphone

TODAY thanks to my iPhone I can watch TV wherever I go! the majority of person who uses a cell phone primarily for making calls, listening to music, watch video ... .... ! Yet he can use their phone to watch their favorite shows, track their information ...

so I decided to share some apps that you can watch TV wherever you go free.

1.       joost : is an apps that allow you to have! the latest news and gossip from celebrities, music videos, sports of all kinds, watching your favorite shows.
2.       Dailymotion : Dailymotion provides top image quality that youtube. I like to use it to watch movies manga.

3.       Justin  tv : watch over 2500 live

4.       B-movies :  thanks to its library you can watch thousands of free movies.

5.       Net tv : 400 channels available on Net TV! some are free, for as others are paying.

6.       Tvulite : TV networks puts at your disposal more than 1000 channels of my world.

7.       Tv.com : watch all your favorite shows or you go. you can search and access a ton of video from your iPhone

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